Monday, December 21, 2009

What men and their friends (men and women alike) should learn about love!

When Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall and had a great fall,
Most men never understood trifling with a woman in love
would bring home the same drama. So one man tried it out
With a woman who loved him and bore him children.
Guess what! She left for a loving man.
That's when the forsaken man's men did their best
They would want the relationship up again like all the King's men
Trying to put Humpty Dumpty up again.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Blurred Vision

Thoughts of my love clamping up
Drive home a question: what’s up?
The air we breathe was for long pure.
This clamping worsens things anew!

Thus, naively, I was schooled to see
A problem shared, one lost at sea
When unshared would create a great rift
That would set all pure love adrift.

Knowing this, I would my best do
Hoping my love did do hers too.
Then and then we shall gracefully
Sail ever after happily.

In this, the world would read black art
Not understood for they’re not smart;
Hiding hearts’ foliage to love’s light,
The greatest cure to all hearts’ plight!

Problems abound, love conquers all
With no need to receive a call
From Jimmy Little’s telephone
That has been a hard to chew bone.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Your Wish, Your Tag

In my death the light I see your world shan't!
Yet, that unsung dirge I can hear you chant
Disturbing my reposing soul at rest
Which alive you made subject of arrest;
Its crime? A choice of a path unwanted
Straight with merciless greed in you loaded.

You may have me buried physically
This to you I have done spiritually
And shan't with you flex muscles to show off
When you and your tag are not worth a slough
In my society, your place is in jail
Unknown to you perjury invites no bail.
