Thursday, December 17, 2009

Blurred Vision

Thoughts of my love clamping up
Drive home a question: what’s up?
The air we breathe was for long pure.
This clamping worsens things anew!

Thus, naively, I was schooled to see
A problem shared, one lost at sea
When unshared would create a great rift
That would set all pure love adrift.

Knowing this, I would my best do
Hoping my love did do hers too.
Then and then we shall gracefully
Sail ever after happily.

In this, the world would read black art
Not understood for they’re not smart;
Hiding hearts’ foliage to love’s light,
The greatest cure to all hearts’ plight!

Problems abound, love conquers all
With no need to receive a call
From Jimmy Little’s telephone
That has been a hard to chew bone.

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